Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Social Media

They say that if you are going to start doing something on social media, you really need to stick with it.  That seems like a really good idea, but life seems to keep going and I haven't been able to stop with it so I can post something online.  So, I will get better.  I will...
Here's what's been going on for us....
The weather in Wisconsin has been great!  It's been warm most of October and only in the past couple days has it started to get cold.  The kids still love the trampoline and even Jayda has begun to enjoy it.  The boys are good with her and don't bounce "too high" when she's in there with them.

 I was trying to get them to have a fun picture together.  This was about as good as I was going to get.

 She likes to take her brothers down whenever possible.
 You can't read her shirt very well, but it does say "Daddy's Princess"
 This is not our new puppy,but our neighbors also got a new puppy about a month before we did.  This was at one of Noah's football games. I captured how Jayda is with our puppy (Yoda) all the time.  She is so happy whenever she is around them.  Definitely got that trait from her mama!
Until next time....blessings on your day!!

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