Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mostly a lot of pictures...

She is full of smiles these days. AND, i love getting to put bows in her hair.

She got a new Christmas present...the BUMBO. I highly recommend this to any parent - especially if you have more than one child.

Chris got a new toy that has kept us all very entertained. It's a puzzle of sorts, too hard to explain. I bet you can google it: The Perplexus

My attempt at a picture of all three of them before we left for Christmas Eve service

These boys adore their baby sister.

She was starting to fall asleep on Chris' shoulder. I love this picture of her.

And again, with the Bumbo!

The disaster that was our house Christmas morning. Eventually I got it all picked up.

These two look so much alike!


Lisa said...

Love the pictures! I can't believe how big she's getting! I loved our bumbo too and used it for my last two! Looks like a pretty fun Christmas to me. And your living room looked just like mine. Now to get rid of that old stuff.... =)

HewaFam said...

Yeah! So glad to see an update of your sweet family. Jayda is growing so much. I'm glad you found the Bumbo - a definite lifesaver! I'm in Montana right now (smile), but would LOVE to talk this week. Miss you & love you.